Remote Patient Monitoring for Hospice

Remote Patient Monitoring for Hospice

Remote patient monitoring (RPM) is more than a buzzword in today’s healthcare industry. At the forefront of compassionate hospice care, DocToDoor takes it to the next level. Our intuitive, HIPAA-compliant platform brings this transformative technology right to your fingertips, empowering you to foster enhanced healthcare experiences like never before. Get ready to embrace a new era of care!

Telemedicine Meets Hospice Care: A Seamless Blend

Blending telemedicine and RPM with hospice care may sound complex, but with DocToDoor, it’s as simple as a breath of fresh air. Experience perfect harmony of telemedicine visits, store and forward encounters, chronic care patients, discharge & risk management, and post-op recovery.

With video consultations and robust RPM capabilities, this exceptional merger offers a dual-pronged approach to revolutionizing hospice care. Get ready to embark on a new era of healthcare excellence!

Putting Brands in the Driver’s Seat: White-labeled Telemedicine Platform

Who says that superior technology can’t bear your unique brand identity? Certainly not DocToDoor. With our white-labeled telemedicine platform, healthcare providers can leverage the power of advanced telemedicine technology while bolstering their brand image. You gain a platform that doesn’t just wear your brand colors but embodies your brand’s philosophy too.

Customization that Adapts, Not Resists

Every healthcare provider has unique needs, and DocToDoor’s platform respects these differences. With a flexible architecture that adapts to diverse requirements, our platform goes beyond mere aesthetic changes. It’s not just about how the interface looks; it’s also about what functionalities it offers to make your client’s healthcare journey as smooth as possible.

Streamlined Integration, Unmatched Accessibility

Does the thought of integrating a new platform sound like a daunting task? Fret not. With DocToDoor, integration is a cakewalk. Our platform seamlessly becomes an extension of your brand, effortlessly accessible across various devices.

Wherever your patients may be, at home or on the move, they can effortlessly connect with healthcare providers with just a few taps. See what our ease and convenience can do for you.

Data-Driven Decision Making

Integrating RPM into hospice care offers a distinct advantage: real-time data monitoring. Our platform allows healthcare providers to easily track and review health data reported by patients. This empowers them to deliver more effective care and support. Plus, it ensures reimbursements under code CPT 99457 (RPM). Experience the power of data-driven healthcare!

A Partner You Can Trust

Trusting a partner for your digital transformation is no small decision. Here at DocToDoor, we’ve built your trust by always delivering reliable solutions to healthcare providers. But our white-label telemedicine platform is more than just a product – it’s a commitment to making high-quality healthcare accessible to all.

We’d love for you to join us at DocToDoor as we work together to reimagine hospice care. Together, we can create a future where quality healthcare knows no bounds!

How does it work?

RPM steps as follows:

Step 1

Patient searches for your Clinic app (white labeled DocToDoor app) on AppStore or PlayStore and signs up as a new patient.

Step 2

Enroll patient: Identify and Enroll Patient into Program (Require Patient Consent). Patient receives text and email to download and access the App.

Step 3

Assign Plan: Template CarePlan assigned to Patient by the clinical staff using DocToDoor Portal. Setup Programmable Alerts (i.e. BP value within certain range) & educate Patient how to use Device(s).

Step 4

Automated Goals, Exercises, Reporting Measures and Symptom trackers assigned as part of CarePlan.

Step 5 (Optional)

Monitor and Manage patients with the mobility of Clinician App and securely Chat (optional) with them building trust and assurance.

Step 5


Step 7

Generate RPM reports

Step 8

Submit reimbursement and collect copays

Get your white labeled RPM platform running