The continually expanding and pervasive presence of telemed in healthcare is the transitory step in establishing a new paradigm of how we provide care. Implementation and use of telemedicine platforms to provide remote (non-emergency) care over extended geographical care setting is, socio-technically speaking, a breakthrough. We have made considerable strides in technology and societal progress such
that receiving healthcare from a smartphone is becoming both a technological norm and socially accepted. Telemedicine of today is perhaps the sci-fi tech of 20 years ago, similarly the health (tech) innovation of tomorrow is predicated by our imagination of today.
As we imagine how we can better healthcare, we can take cues from other pervasive presence of technology in our lives. Mobile technology and smartphones have become common and integral part of our lives, can we transform healthcare from being a single point interaction, temporally, to ubiquitous healthcare? Healthcare persistent, prevalent, and embedded in our daily lives. Within other domains, we are slowly moving towards integrating our daily lives with technology, can we do something similar with healthcare?
If we see telemedicine as a starting point for enhancing healthcare and ‘embed’ it as the norm for healthcare, then we can use that as a starting point for ubiquitous healthcare. Why use telemedicine as a starting point? For multiple reasons, it is a stepping stone for digital health innovation, it opens a door for acceptance at social & organizational level within healthcare, and enables users (Clinicians and Patients) to develop maturity of practice of using advanced health solutions. As we become comfortable with the idea of a health consultation right from a smart phone, we can shift to more complex forms of digital healthcare – the crux being ubiquitous and seamlessness. Smart phones enable the next step in mobile health, mHealth, by combining existing and emerging solutions seamlessly integrated across the healthcare and patient life continuum. Considering that patients spend most of their life outside of a healthcare setting and the high use of smart phones, it makes sense to wrap healthcare around the patient within the smart phone.
Figure. Administering ‘ubiquitous healthcare’ via smartphone.
Think of the smartphone as the hub for decentralized personal care where different aspects of care can be consolidated and administered from a single platform. In fact, it is this aspect that is so critical for building ubiquitous healthcare and in need of growth. Digital health innovation began with telehealth but it must pave way for integration of the many aspects of health in a singular platform.
Our goal at DocToDoor is building a solution that empowers clinicians and patients alike with the means to easily manage care from a single platform.
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About DocToDoor
DocToDoor is a custom branded Telehealth solution designed to empower physicians to manage care through the entire care continuum for post-visit, chronic care, and post-op recovery. We are empowering physicians with user-centric remote patient monitoring & engagement and telemedicine platform to manage and care for patients through the entire breadth of patient-provider relationship.