A new paradigm in healthcare focuses improving the quality of care both within the hospital and within residential setting. Coupled with the fact patients are encouraged to actively play a part in their healthcare, the quality of care is improved with increased patient satisfaction. Perhaps even strengthening the patient-doctor connection.
The golden egg is creating a model & solution that is multifaceted – improving patient engagement & quality of care and provide clinicians with a powerful tool to manage patients & keep workload to minimum. With such a conundrum in hand, a human-centered design approach enables innovators to approach problems with a perspective of bridging the gap between providers and patients. The first iteration in modern times is telemedicine consultation; but as we continue to move from static care (single point in time within care continuum) to dynamic, patients, their families, and providers will play an active role in the care. Continually engaging the patient while being situated to manage health status over time and at any given instance rebuilds how we view care.
The challenge are twofold – make patients want to participate in their health while providing clinicians the means to manage and see the complete picture via efficient methods. The above points pose a challenge due in part to the perception that improving patient care or making clinicians workload streamlined are mutually exclusive.
The key points to understand is what you are trying to solve and build your story accordingly – develop the user (clinician & patient) journey (e.g. What are you solving? When and how will the patient provide feedback? How will clinicians access information and manage patients?). The patient and clinician journey remains complex, both in surgical setting (and post-op) as well as chronic care. In participatory care, we are trying to shift from episodic care with little care before and after the episode to wellness-based approach. The crux of participatory care is to involve all stakeholders and remove the episodes (See figure) and the tools to enable it.
Participatory care leads to preventive care by consistent engagement and involvement of all stakeholders
As we stated designing participatory care requires envisioning what you are trying to change, design a patient/clinician journey to achieve & maintain care care, and build accordingly.
Within DocToDoor, we’ve designed DocToDoor around two related journey’s: The Clinician Journey and the Patient Journey. While related, they are distinctive in part to the user they serve.
About DocToDoor
DocToDoor is a custom branded Telehealth solution designed to empower physicians to manage care through the entire care continuum for post-visit, chronic care, and post-op recovery. We are empowering physicians with user-centric remote patient monitoring & engagement and telemedicine platform to manage and care for patients through the entire breadth of patient-provider relationship.