Telemedicine Blogs

DocToDoor Blog

telehealth in post acute care

Telehealth in Post-acute Care

For people with complex health needs, especially if they are dealing with multiple chronic health conditions, that require longer-term care out of the hospital pose many challenges. When patients are moved from hospitals to a post-acute care facility, a post-acute care …

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Understanding the Difference Between Remote Patient Monitoring and Chronic Care Management

Understanding the Difference Between Remote Patient Monitoring and Chronic Care Management

Chronic care management (CCM), initiated in 2015, by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)to open opportunities in telehealth services is nearing the end of its third year. Yet,many Providers have opted not to provide CCM services – the reporting requirements and eligibility has been a significant barrier. Coupled with the fact that …

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where medicine and technology can help clinicians and patients

Where Medicine and Technology Can Help Clinicians and Patients

Health technology has gained considerable attention in the recent years with new innovations being touted every year at major health tech conferences. With the dearth of attendance from end users of these technologies (i.e. Clinicians and Patients), companies showcase expensive technologies to the audience often comprised of healthcare executives, administrators, and other tech companies. In the midst of hype and showcasing new technology, the voice of …

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how to plan for telehealth for your organization1

How to Plan for Telehealth for Your Organization?

Telehealth integration has considerable risen in recent years within both healthcare systems and private practices. Telehealth is here to stay. Numerous healthcare organizations claim to have achieved success with their telehealth programs in improving patient care and patient engagement. However, outside observers are left to wonder about how tangible the success for these healthcare organizations is and what does it translate into. Healthcare …

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How to Apply Mindfulness to the Creative Process Source ThinkstockPhotos

Design Thinking in Digital Health for Patients and Clinicians

Healthcare has seen tremendous stride in delivery methods with the advent of new technologies in telemedicine, remote patient monitoring, and patient engagement & communication. However, technology has outpaced the rate at which healthcare can keep up with technology and effectively implement it within clinical workflows and operational setting. This coupled with the slow pace of progress within healthcare leaves patients,…

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Ubiquitous Healthcare: Begin with Telehealth and Go Beyond

The continually expanding and pervasive presence of telemed in healthcare is the transitory step in establishing a new paradigm of how we provide care. Implementation and use of telemedicine platforms to provide remote (non-emergency) care over extended geographical care setting is, socio-technically speaking, a breakthrough. We have made considerable strides in technology and societal progress …

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Improve Situational Awareness in Digital Health: Perceive, Decide, Project

Clinician workload, fatigue, and task management are central to effective healthcare delivery. Often though, there isn’t a healthy balance between workload, fatigue, and task management; in fact, it is severely skewed resulting in high workload and fatigue leaving clinicians to barely juggle their daily tasks. Thus, increasing burnout and increasing potential for errors in medical …

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Simplifying Care and Reducing Physician Workload

Managing your patients, responding to their questions and concerns, helping them consistently improve their health, and keeping up with your EMR – not an easy feat for an already overworked clinician. Ensuring the success and wellbeing of your patients need not be a complicated process. Televisits via video provide a means to quicker and convenient …

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Next step in Telehealth: eReporting and eCare

In the midst of rapidly advancing technologies in healthcare, patients and clinicians are often overwhelmed with technologies that are incessantly marketed to them to improve care quality and patient satisfaction. The most notable technology currently being telemedicine for remote visits. Beyond telemedicine, a different set of telehealth technologies are gaining momentum focused on things such …

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What is Human centered Design  on Vimeo

Redesigning How We Provide Healthcare – Some takeaways from IHI Summit

As a domain, healthcare is essentially a very much human-centered field, whether it is the patient or the clinician – both groups have different needs and requirements. Yet, for the longest time, healthcare has been delivered void of human-centered approach. Patients needs and desires are unmet or not considered; provider needs are overlooked for administrative …

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Beyond Round

A Paradigm Beyond Telemedicine? Spanning care across the continuum for a population

Telemedicine remains one of the much-anticipated modalities of care to improve doctor-patient interaction offering ease, convenience, and comfort of care right from the patient’s home. Adoption remains inconsistent across the nation, yet, even in states with no parity laws, healthcare organizations continue to offer telemedicine as a self-pay service. For healthcare organizations, clinicians, and patients, …

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Thoughts on Actualizing Participatory Care

A new paradigm in healthcare focuses improving the quality of care both within the hospital and within residential setting. Coupled with the fact patients are encouraged to actively play a part in their healthcare, the quality of care is improved with increased patient satisfaction. Perhaps even strengthening the patient-doctor connection. The golden egg is creating ….

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